Episode #421: 2022 - The Year in Review

One of two recap shows we do each year (the other will be next week's Best Books of 2022), Ron and Ed take a look back at trends (business and otherwise), highlights, and lowlights from the year just past. We review our favorite shows as well as the fan favorites and pay homage (or disparage when appropriate) those who crossed to the other side of the river in 2022.

Use these show notes to follow along with the audio:

Segment one:

Segment two:

Segment three:

Segment four:

Here is a quick list of The Soul of Enterprise “best of” for 2022 based on various data points:

Listened to episodes

  1. #61 - Pricing on Purpose: Price Sensitivity Factors

  2. #393 - Interview with Brian Terrell

  3. #64 - Famous Last Words

  4. #217 - The Subscription Business Model

  5. #175 - The Laws of Systems Thinking

Released in 2022 - SquareSpace

  1. #393 - Interview with Brian Terrell

  2. #400 - Tackling Objections to the Subscription Pricing Model

  3. #381 - On David Maister's book - True Professionalism

  4. #378 - Subscription Economy Update - February 2022

  5. #418 - Interview with Gale Pooley - Superabundance

Released in 2022 - Chartable

  1. #395 - Fifth interview with Fr. Sirico

  2. #381 - On David Maister's book - True Professionalism

  3. #378 - Subscription Economy Update - February 2022

  4. #373 - Best Books of 2021

  5. #388 - The Problem with CPE

Bonus Content is Available As Well

Did you know that each week after our live show, Ron and Ed take to the microphone for a bonus show? Typically, this bonus show is an extension of the live show topic (sometimes even with the same guest) and a few other pieces of news, current events, or things that have caught our attention.

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