Episode #72 - Free-Rider Friday - December 2015

Ed's Topics

Sent in from our listener, Hector Garcia: Netflix's paid maternity leave, along with a clip from John Oliver's show on the topic, and a TED talk that also makes the case for paid maternity leave.

Texas bans Teledoc App. Here's a Cato Institute podcast that discusses.

IBM Watson Trend App, which highlights tech, toys, and health.

"Netflix Should Ditch its Unlimited Vacation Policy," from the Huffington Post.

Manhattan DA Pushes for Lawful Backdoor Into Encrypted Phones, from NBC News.

Ron's Topics

Harvard Blog Post, "To Get More Creative, Become Less Productive."

From The Economist, "The heirs of Al Capone," discussing Meth labs v alcohol, and a classic "Bootleggers and Baptists" alliance whereby meth labs might argue for reinstating Prohibition!

The Wall Street Journal article, "Winning the Right to Save Your Own Life," by Darcy Olsen, President of the Goldwater Institute, on right-to-try laws passed by 24 states, giving terminally ill patients access to drugs.

From The Economist "Keep calm and click on: Google Books in court," discussing how a group of authors lost the case to prohibit Google Books from digitizing books because it violated copyright laws.

We also discussed Bitcoin's Blockchain technology, which some folks believe is revolutionary technology in the same way as double-entry bookkeeping. The Economist writes: "Simply put, it is a machine for creating trust."

See "The trust machine," and "The great chain of being sure about things," from The Economist, October 31, 2015,